Presentation of the W.E. B.E.S.T. PRIN 2020 Project at the LX Convegno SIDEA
Research titled “Blockchain Technology for Equilient Rural Development: Application in Olive Oil Supply Chain” was presented at the LX Convegno SIDEA: Dalla Strategia Farm-to-Fork all’Approccio One-Health – Soluzioni Per Il Modello Agricolo Europeo Alla Luce Dei Nuovi Scenari Economici, held from 15th to 17th September 2020 in Anacapri, Italy.
The research, co-authored by Nino Adamashvili, Mariantonietta Fiore, Maria Crescimanno, and Antonino Galati, was conducted within the framework of the W.E. B.E.S.T. PRIN 2020 project. Nino Adamashvili is a Research Fellow at the University of Palermo under the project’s research grant, professor Mariantonietta Fiore represents the University of Foggia, Department of Economics, while Maria Crescimanno and Antonino Galati, are professors at the University of Palermo, Department of Agricultural, Food, and Forest Sciences (SAAF). On the conference, Nino Adamashvili delivered the presentation under the supervision of Professor Antonino Galati.

The study examines how Blockchain Technology (BCT) can improve traceability, transparency, and trust within the olive oil supply chain, contributing to equilient (equity and resilience) rural development. Case studies from two Italian olive oil companies that have adopted BCT were analyzed, showcasing the practical impact of the technology in reducing transaction costs and fostering sustainable agricultural practices.
The conference featured presentations of various European and Italian national projects, offering a platform for networking and strategic partnerships. This participation helped to strengthen collaboration opportunities.
More about the LX Convegno SIDEA https://www.sidea.org/wp2/2024/07/30/lx-convegno-sidea-anacapri-15-17-settembre-2024/